"Imperial" focus tree for the HRE minors. New National Focuses for Austria, based on uniting the HRE, gaining control of Hungary, and restoring the French Monarchy. Germany replaced with a variety of new (well, old technically) countries. HOWEVER there are now new features for both HRE members AND non-members! Once I've fleshed out the Austrian focus tree, I'll start moving onto the other member states.

Note: I personally recommend you play as Austria, since they are the most developed right now. in pieces (or even if you haven't, I don't judge), then this is the mod for you!Įssentially, this takes a rough approximation to the Holy Roman Empire as it could have been if it had not been destroyed during the Napoleonic wars, but somehow the rest of the world stayed on the same historical path (with a couple of exceptions). If you've ever wondered what the Second World War would look like if Germany was a bit more. Holy Roman Empire - a mod for Hearts of Iron IV Perhaps it is time for the rest of Europe to rediscover old traditions. Yet through it all, the Holy Roman Empire has somehow managed to survive mostly intact. Indeed many of the old houses have long since passed, or become mere puppets for plebeian rule. When revolutionaries brought down the Bourbons of France, it was expected to send a shockwave through the whole of Europe. Workshop mod files can be found in your steam install location -> steamapps -> workshop -> 394360 -> whatever the number is for this mod. If anyone wants to take this mod and make their own thing then feel free. If you used this mod then I hope you enjoyed it. I've been working on a totally different mod the past months - one that is fundamentally more interesting to me - and with the last year of uni about to start at time of writing, I do not have the time or patience to try and rescue this one.

It was only created to see what it was like making a mod.

IMPORTANT: This mod is dead, personally I think this mod is really bad and just isn't worth trying to fix.